How Travel Nursing Can Help You Keep Your Resolutions

Healthy Resolutions

New Year's day may be the end of the holiday season, but it's also the beginning of a fresh new year. And for most  of us, January 1 is the day we resolve to make big lifestyle changes. Funny, despite all our good intentions, it seems like the same resolutions keep coming up again and again. This year, why not let a travel nursing assignment help you achieve your goals? 

Don't believe us? Whether your goal is to get fit, get wealthy, or get a better job, we can show you (with a wink and a smile) how 50 States can help you accomplish any resolution you're likely to make.


  1. Improve Your Finances
  2. Factor in the top travel nursing pay, bonuses, free private housing and comprehensive health insurance, and travel nurses can earn far more than their non-traveling counterparts.

  3. Get Healthy and Fit
  4. Travel nursing can take you to places where an active, healthy lifestyle is part of the daily program. Skiing in Colorado, windsurfing in the Carolinas, hiking in Oregon or rollerblading in California: you'll be energized to see and do it all in your new location.

  5. Learn Something New
  6. Travel nursing introduces you to new equipment and new procedures. What you learn will improve your skills and make you a more valuable employee.

  7. Spend More Time with Family and Friends
  8. You can travel with family, friends or even a pet! Exploring new places together can enrich your relationships.

  9. Meet New People
  10. Working together is one of the most natural, and fastest, ways to get to know new people. Travel nursing will allow you to meet people from all over the country, in all their fascinating diversity. 

  11. Help Others
  12. Nursing and the allied professions are, by nature, about caring for other people. Refresh yourself by working with new people in new environments.

  13. Take More Trips
  14. Is there an easier way to achieve this goal than travel nursing? With 50 States covering your housing, your relocation allowance, your insurance and your licensure, it's like you're on a paid vacation to see the country!

  15. Get a Better Job!
  16. Need we say more? There are tons of great travel nurse jobs just waiting for you at 50 States Staffing.