Even the Best RNs Grow Weary of the Grind

refresh your career

Here’s How to Feel Brand New

Have you experienced a cap in pay or reductions in benefits? Are you a mid-level nurse looking to redefine your career on your own terms? Are you interested in seeing new things and meeting new people? Then a switch to travel nursing may be just what the doctor ordered.

Because they can be found from coast to coast, in some of the most coveted destinations, travel nurse jobs offer new beginnings. When you move to a new city and new healthcare facility, new experiences and friends naturally follow suit.  Healthcare professionals of every age and from all walks of life are perfect for traveling and will find that our competitive nursing pay and benefits can give you the kind of fresh outlook you’ve been waiting for.

Here’s a pun worth pondering: if your career as permanent staff has “flat-lined” in recent years, and you’re looking for a surge in salary then travel nursing jobs may be the way to go. 50 States Staffing offers a reprieve from a plateaued healthcare career. You can advance more quickly when you start traveling. You'll add to your clinical skill set by working with prestigious healthcare employers, and enjoy a kind of flexibility that's not always available in the daily grind. This travel nursing advice column provides lots of practical advice on what to expect on the road to success.

Who Should Travel?

Registered nurse jobs are perfect for married and single professionals alike; our married team clients  say that the traveler lifestyle lets them enjoy more time with spouses, enables them to get out and vacation more, and live life to the fullest.  Traveling RNs often work a 3-day work week — that's extra time to indulge in your extracurricular interests.

Apply Today for a Fresh Outlook on Life!

For many registered nurses, a case of the blahs can be remedied by seeking out a new backdrop on which to forge your healthcare career. 50 States Staffing offers generous 401(k) benefits, sizeable housing allowances and so many other perks that only enhance the travel nurse lifestyle.